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What We Do

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The Joseph Ashley Project, is ultimately dedicated to raising awareness about high blood pressure, we aim to offer:


Education and awareness campaigns: Include developing educational materials like pamphlets, videos, or online resources to inform people about the risks and warning signs of high blood pressure. The charity will also organize events or webinars to raise awareness and educate people about the importance of monitoring their blood pressure and seeking medical help if necessary.


Blood pressure screening services: The charity will offer free or low-cost blood pressure screenings at community events or through partnerships with local clinics or healthcare providers. This could help people to detect high blood pressure early on and take steps to manage it before it becomes a serious health problem.


Advocacy and policy work: The charity will be working with policymakers and public health officials to advocate for policies and initiatives that promote blood pressure monitoring and awareness. This will include supporting laws or regulations that require blood pressure screenings for certain populations or advocating for increased funding for public health campaigns.


We will also offer support and resources for those with high blood pressure by offering support groups or resources for people living with high blood pressure, or for their family members and caregivers. This will include connecting people with resources like low-cost medications or lifestyle counselling services, or providing emotional support and guidance to help people manage the challenges of living with a chronic health condition.

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